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DECEMBER--December has seen the arrival of the mobile still in one of the nearby villages.  My dictionary tells me that this is a « distilling-apparatus especially for making spiritious liquors, consisting essentially of a closed boiler and a condensing chamber ».  That just about describes the machine that is towed each year into the same spot in the village. 

On misty mornings a plume of smoke can be seen drifting away from the chimney of the woodburning stove used to heat the fermented fruit and juice that local farmers have brought along to be distilled into the local « eau de vie » (water of life) or « gniole » as it is known locally.  (The Larouse encyclopedia gives 5 options for the spelling).  It should register 50° on the alcoholometer.  It certainly registers on the back of the throat!

The licence to distill has for centuries been handed down from father to son, however this inheritance has now been stopped by the government.  We are seeing our last generation of distillers.  The right to have distilled a small quantity of fruit, for one's own consumption, is linked to having a certain area of land planted with a specific fruit.  Not being one of the « chosen ones » I'm not 100% sure of the exact regulations.  However as far as I can see its normally the octogenairian granny or grandad who seems to be the owner of the appropriate piece of land.  Is this the secret of their longevity one asks oneself?

As the still's temporary residence progresses the small heaps of logs (provided by the still's customers) diminish and the heap of bio-degradable waste grows.  This is made up of wood ash, plum stones and grape skins.  The latter having started off as the raw material to make the wine referred to in November's ramblings and then the residue known as « marc » is distilled into eau de vie.

This miraculous liquid can be used to preserve fruit, as a digestif to accompany black coffee, flambéing, flavouring in patisserie, preparing home dried hams, disinfecting cuts and grazes, healing cows horns after trimming!  The list is endless!  If you should visit us one day please ask for a « degustation ».


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